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An Apple a Day

This week I totally nerded out. While I researched current topics for content this week I tuned in to Apple's Worldwide Developer  Conference #WWDC15. 

Jennifer Bailey. Vice President Apple Internet Services & Apple Pay.

I've been invited to present a few talks lately and so was interested to watch how the big guns produce a Keynote speech. Yes there was an entertaining intro, there was singing guest Drake and The Weeknd (no there's no spelling mistake and no I haven't heard of them either). There was big hype over the soon-to-be launched Apple Music and huge kudos to all those developers out there doing incredible work in app development. The technology was top notch, of course, and the production was pretty sweet.

Something else pretty exciting happened at this Keynote. For the first time, two women appeared on stage to present some of the big development changes happening at Apple. Susan Prescott, VP of Product Markets and Jennifer Bailey - VP of Internet Services and new Apple Pay took to the stage. For me it showed signs that Apple is looking to bridge the gap between gender inequality in business. Bravo.

What also grabbed my attention was this - the presenters actually looked nervous and I applaud them for dressing as themselves (no fashion tips noted) and honestly showing a passion for their product. It made the event a little more authentic and was a clever method of connection. So here's to the new split screen, the development of Notes and the London Transportation Network adopting Apple Pay. Apple Music? Well let's just watch and see how it plays out shall we?