Digital Dandy | Story Driven Content & Brand Marketing Consultant

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Shedding your Digital Mask

There are over 7 billion people on the planet, Over 3 billion of whom are online. That's a LOT of people...and a lot of digital noise.

Last night I spoke to a group of up and coming graphic designers in Launceston and we discussed a topic that I think is so important in business. How can we rise above the noise and how do we distinguish between authenticity and strategy online?

I asked a friend of mine, highly distinguished architectural professor and writer Helen Norrie. I knew she'd say something clever.

" I think authenticity is an essential characteristic of your strategy. Despite the fact that people think they need to be the biggest and the brightest and the shiniest star, people do respond to the quiet things that are real. It's also really important to acknowledge how you see yourself and the generosity of those who have contributed to your work."

Paulette Whitney from Provenance Growers has redefined the boundaries of authenticity. She generously shows her processes in modern day farming, writes prolifically and is not afraid to call out people who are faking it. She doesn't succumb to that silent online pressure of being something fabulous. She tells it how it is.

So what do you do to authenticate your business. It's a valuable question that needs to be asked.