Voice, Values and Verification - How to Walk the Talk Online
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Do you practice what you preach?
When Mahatma Gandhi became famous all over India, people would line up for hours just to ask his blessing or to ask him one question. He always responded with a wise, polite, and encouraging answer. Once, a mother brought her child to see Gandhi and after waiting for hours, she asked him to tell her child to stop eating sweets, because they were ruining his teeth. Gandhi asked her to come back in two weeks, and he would do it. Everyone was shocked - he had never done anything like that before.
Two weeks later, the mother came back and Gandhi wagged his finger and said to the little boy, “Stop eating sweets! They ruin your teeth.” The woman thanked him and then said, “If I may ask, my dear Gandhi, why didn’t you just say this two weeks ago.”
Gandhi smiled and answered, “Two weeks ago, I was still eating sweets!”
Value - How are you investing in your business?
With ten weeks left of our working year I'm moving into the reflection and planning zone of 2016, not only for me, but for the clients I'm privileged to work with. So what does this mean? let me share what I do for MY social media marketing business:
- I'll be investing in new learning experiences and business development
- I've already treated myself to a new diary NOW so I can physically prepare my 2017 layout
- Next month I'm taking time out for two whole days to do some serious business reflecting with a core group of local Hobart Lady Bosses
I love this time of year, before the Christmas crazies consume us, where we can calmly take the time to investigate and analyse our business, to check in with ourselves and ask 'am I walking the talk yet?'
In our recent social media workshops, we have been looking at a few core questions that I have really become intoxicated by:
- What is our story - what is YOUR story?
- Are we expressing ourselves authentically online - have we found our voice?
- Have we got our business values in check to maintain our online authenticity?
- How do our business processes verify our purpose?
Because, you know what, our online audience is going to see right through us if we haven't carefully worked through these core practices. And this social media marketing communication thing? Well there'll be no walking, or talking because there'll be nobody listening.
Don't panic, I often feel like I've fallen off the consistency wagon and so use this time of year to grab myself some hours and get back on track. I'm not perfect and I'm ok with that, what's important is that I am communicating authentically and wholeheartedly doing my best with my business. And the same should go for you.
So grab your planner, set aside some time to shape some new habits for the exciting months ahead. Invest in your learning and find your authentic voice. It's the one thing that no-one else has.
“Courage is the willingness to speak the truth about what you see and to own what you say.”
Business Development for Entrepreneurs - Book your Workshop Spot!
The way we do business online is an integral reflection of ourselves so sometimes things that challenge us personally can also challenge us in business. Sharing is caring, but oversharing in the digital space can be detrimental to your brand!
In this workshop we invite you to explore the very foundations that anchor our business lives and look at ways to build and extend our confidence online.