Listen, Lean and Learn. My daily mantra for Health and Wellbeing.
Listen to Me by Andrea Castro
This week is Women's Health Week. Weight, Body Image, Mental Health. Sex and Relationships. Yep all the juicy topics. Cocktail conversations with your besties, but this time, right out in the open.
The timing is annoyingly good. Three years ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and discovered that food was a major trigger. It was a relief to discover my exhaustion, my foggy mind, my anxious temperament were symptoms of a significant medical condition. I wasn't (completely) mad. The food part may not have been a big deal to many, but to me, it was (and still is). I am married to a chef and food is a MAJOR part of our lives. I was gutted. However I had an incredibly considerate bunch of friends who rallied round and helped me deal with this blight on my dietary landscape. I knew I needed to act for the benefit of my future wellbeing, so I worked hard to refine my diet and make things good. I did.
Until now.
I fell off the wagon on a recent trip to Europe. I haven't been able to tighten the reigns since. I ate pain au chocolat in France, cheese, butter and Guinness in Ireland, I ate at restaurants without advising them prior that I had a list of food limitations. It was bliss.
The rashes came, the bloating returned. I knew I was pushing my luck. It was time for some self reflection and perhaps a new approach. I discussed my predicament with a dear friend and decided I would seek some professional guidance to help me explore my reasonings (or lack of) for not keeping myself in check.
Why am I telling you this? As I try and figure out my current predicament, the word authenticity keeps coming up. It may be because I'm collaborating on a workshop that focuses on business authenticity, and while I fear for it's overuse, I can't help but value its meaning.
Authenticity: To prove or show (something) to be true, genuine, or valid. (Oxford Dictionary)
I work in a world of brand awareness. I write, create and produce content that help businesses connect - with authenticity. My health story has forced me to reconsider my purpose, my value and my own self-worth. Staring down the barrel of my own destiny I was lucky enough to find my way and find myself where I am now - working with people in this very space. And I love it.
So in the week that it is, and I speak to you, dear ladies, I share my one request. Always find the space, the time and the value in self exploration, so you can be (in the words of my kids school motto) 'the best you can be'.
To thine own self be true.